
Look close and you'll see my old Nikon FE2.  I shot through my Nikkor 50mm (in hand) opened all the way to f1.8.


I went for a walk with Michelle this evening and took a camera along.  It was a beautiful crisp and sunny day and I thought it would be great to capture some early dusk shots.  Suddenly the rain came back and we found ourselves caught in a downpour.  I quickly stuffed the camera in my fleece and we ran home.  When we got home I took off my glasses to wipe off the droplets and ended up with a photo.


I was just looking through my recent posts and noticed I managed to miss posting an image on March 1st.  I looked in my images and thankfully found one that I took that day ...




Headed up north for the day and went to Armstrong Woods (http://www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=450) ... home of the Colonel Armstrong Tree (over 1,400 years old).  It was raining heavily which helped to bring out the vibrant greens.


This is one of the books from my collection of antique books on the history of Rome.  I love these books and am always on the look out for new (old) books to add to the collection.  I particularly love the books that include prints made from copper engravings.  This book isn't particularly special but I do love the signature - I believe it is that of a child (pretty fancy).



I love toppings.  I am also a fan of getting yogurt in the afternoon.  I picked up a white chocolate/raspberry yougurt and topped it off with lychee, kiwi, coconut shavings, mochi balls, white chocolate chips, animal cookies and caramel.  Needless to say, it was delicious.