
Looks like a typical city view but take a look in the upper right hand corner.  A reflection off the glass of the De Young Museum tower created a ghost image of another part of the city at the horizon.  Almost looks like fog.


Based on a client sketch I designed this very simple stainless steel hose rack for a client.  It weighs a few pounds and is a little over a foot in height.


Just a touch of sunlight peeked over the adjacent building and onto the peak of the pyramid building.


2010.12.18 - Model Allie Photo Shoot

I had a great time working with Allie (shown in picture).  We made some great images, some of which will surely be up on my upcoming website.  Stay posted for the website release announcement.

Curious as to how her hair stood on end?  She jumped up and as she fell ... flash/snap ... got it.  We took a few shots like this ... and with some twirling about.  I love the rigidity of the pose juxtaposed with the floating hair.  What do you think?

Flash- Nikon Speedlight 1/2 power (i think) with 36" shoot through umbrella approx. 5' centered (almost) at 45 degrees above
Camera- f9, ISO 100, 1/250s


Mmmmmm desert.  I had this yummy lemon meringue tart today for lunch ... yup, lunch.


I was out at the Sutro Baths area today scouting some sites for a shoot next weekend when Michelle and I spotted these surfers down at Ocean Beach.  This was taken from the Sutro Heights park with a 300mm at ISO 100, F9, 1/400s.


This evening I took a couple of holiday lobby photos for FME Architecture + Design.  Due to the streetscape it was difficult to find good angles to shoot at.  These two were the best locations.  Each exposure typically ran around 3 seconds at F9(ish).  Feel free to tell me what you think.


In the rain we went and cut down our Christmas tree at Santa's Tree Farm near Half Moon Bay.  I really like this tree farm.  Be sure to check out my post from last year at:

I ended up also getting a new tree stand this year.  The one shown above is now in the trash (broke it).  I thought I would memorialize it with a surreal photo.


I found this very naughty Santa Claus drinking Bud Light in front of a store this afternoon.
