2009.12.31 - Reaching

(Downtown San Francisco)

2009.12.30 - Lit Lamp

Lit Lamp
(Mark Hopkins Hotel - San Francisco)

2009.12.29 - Traveling Lights

Traveling Lights

2009.12.24 - Christmas Eve

SF Bay Bridge

Merry Christmas Eve!

2009.12.22 - Swirl

Architecturally I am not a big fan of these stairs . . . but from a photo standpoint I think they are pretty slick.

2009.12.20 - Fog From Twin Peaks

I woke early this morning to catch the sunrise over San Francisco from Twin Peaks.  Unfortunately the fog beat the sun out and I was left with this pano photo.  You can barely make out Market Street.  Best viewed in large format by clicking on the image.

2009.12.19 - Hike at Montara

If you are in Pacifica and enjoy a good hike make your way to Montara.  We left from the parking lot in Pacifica, although there is also a route from the beach (on the 1).  Our hike was nearly 7 miles with an elevation climb of approximately 1, 650 ft.  At the top of this mountain you can see for miles and miles with nothing to block your view (except fog of course).

2009.12.18 - Made For Walking

2009.12.15 - Scrub

I am really glad this faucet worked out.  Pretty?  You betcha.
(You can see me in the reflection :-o)

2009-12-14 - Napa Mud

I've got suede on my mud . . . or mud on my suede . . . and now mud in the car . . .  after a site visit in Yountville (Napa) today.

2009.12.13 - Stuffed

Let the festivities carry on . . . I am already stuffed.

2009.12.12 - St. Dominic's Music

Today there was rehearsal for the Christmas Concert at St. Dominic's Church.  The music will be wonderful:  http://www.stdominics.org/calendar_dates/7913

2009.12.11 - Carving

It is a pleasant suprise to find real stone carving in San Francisco.  I love the molded terra cotta you find everywhere (sometimes coated in a finish to mimick real stone) but real stone carving has a quality that just can't be matched.

2009.12.10 - The Bank

I love how imposing some old banks look.

2009.12.09 - Spirit

To get you in the holiday spirit . . . there were other activities partaken but those pictures may have to added to this post later.

2009.12.07 - Hail In SF

Hail hit San Francisco today and people went wild.  We don't typically get anything beyond a heavy shower.

2009.12.06 - Sacramento Street

Anyone else love going for a long walk and looking at beautiful entryways and foyers?

2009.12.05 - Christmas Tree Huntin'

Nice looking tree (note saw) . . .

. . . magic? . . .

. . . and the tree made its way onto our car.  It looks nice in our home as well.  I always feel a little bummed about trees getting cut down (softy I know) but I can take pleasure in knowing another tree will be planted in the same spot soon.  We love this tree farm:  http://www.santastreefarm.com/.

2009.12.03 - Pyramid (Transamerica) Building View

We were at a party with a view tonight.  This is the Embarcadero Center in lights from the Pyramid Building (formerly the Transamerica) 48th floor (the top floor).

2009.12.02 - Getting Soapy

Looking at soap in a sink is like looking at clouds in the sky. . . all kinds of crazy shapes appear.  I see a bear and a cat . . . do you see anything?

2009.12.01 - In Motion

Moving cars always seem to make night shots more interesting.  I think the flags look pretty slick as well.